For my 2nd task of the holiday blogging, it was The Great Kereru Count. I have made another pick a path story about it. Same rules as last time, get it right, you can move on, but if you get it wrong, move back to the start.
Here it is:
For my 2nd task of the holiday blogging, it was The Great Kereru Count. I have made another pick a path story about it. Same rules as last time, get it right, you can move on, but if you get it wrong, move back to the start.
Here it is:
I want to show you my Pick a Path story from Interland. Interland is a game that can help everyone be safe online.
Here is my story:
I want to show you my Fim Festival Reflection that I just did. I thank we did this because today is the last day of term 3. in the reflection, it asks questions like what did you enjoy?, What could you do next year, and more.
Here it is:
Kia Ora,
I want to blog about our little garden plants. I have the vegetable Thyme, Daphnee has Kale, Neha has Cauliflower, and Faisa has red Capsicum. My plant will take 21 days to grow, while Daphnee's one will take 14 days. Daphnee is lucky, because her plant has little green plants sticking out of her soil. Jaymalyn's plant is already halfway done!
Here are some pictures:
Kia ira everyone,
Today our class did a very fun cooking lesson. The lesson was led by Skids. We were so lucky to have them because in our cooking lesson, we made Carbonara Pasta. Carbonara Pasta is a vegetarian pasta. We were so lucky because Nestle was kind enough to send us some bags of ingredients. That means we can also make carbonara pasta at home. In the past week, my class has been learning about vegetables, and why they are so important to your body. We did all of that so we could be ready for our Feed Your Whanau cooking lesson.
Here are some pictures of my class in the Feed Your Whanau lesson:
I hope you enjoyed!
Today, my class made a screen castify of our pepeha. A pepeha is something that introduces you in Maori. I want to show you my Pepeha that I have recorded on screen castify. It was a task for us to do since it is Maori Language Week.
Here is my Screen Castify:
Hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading my blog!
I want to show you my music slides that I have used for Term 1 and 2. We make a new slide every week when we go to music.
Here are the slides:
Today I want to show how to make a stress ball. To make a stress ball, you have to buy a helium balloon, that you can get from Countdown. Here are the steps:
I want to show you my poster that I made today. The poster had 5 facts about Tonga, and I'm sure that they are all true. I got them from the slides my teacher sent my class. The slides were pretty big, and I had to choose 5 facts from 103 slides!
Here is my poster:
Today I want to show you a site called Google Earth. It is a map kind of site, and you can play games, do quizzes, explore the world, and much more!
Here are the things you can do on Google Earth:
Hi everyone,
I want to show you a maths site called Transum Mathematics (Maths for short). It is a site where you can play games, and build on your maths! There are different game buttons, you can choose between multiplying, puzzles, games, go math, table master and much more! You can click on the link to get started!
Hope you have enjoyed!
I want to show you a cool drawing site called Quick, Draw! My class uses it sometimes, so I thought that it would be a good idea to blog about it. The exiting thing is that you have to draw it under 20 seconds!
How to use: